A mashup of all things educational! From technology and social media to leadership and international education, this is where I will be reflecting and applying everything thing I learn from the web and my PLN. Join me on the adventure and add your opinion to the mix!

13 December 2012

4 Time to socialize?

I'm on a journey to find my voice. In my last blog post, I explored the idea that I am moving through phases in my journey as a TLL (Technology Language Learner) and a LLL (Leadership Language Learner). As part of my learning journey, I have begun again (after my transitional silent phase) to use my blog as a learning and reflecting tool. To this end I have found myself stumbling over a very important question: Should I schedule time during my work hours to use social network and blogging platforms to further my connections and reflections?

As a TLL, I need to continue to expand my use of twitter and blogging as a tool for my job for connection and reflection purposes. Those in Ed Tech recognize how important these tools are in developing and maintaining current practices for students. As a LLL, I need to work on finding my voice and being a model of my expectations to others. Considering these two arguments then, shouldn't I be able to schedule time to tweet and blog during my work time?

Click below to read more!

Why then is it that I feel guilty, as if I am watching a movie or surfing Facebook, when I engage in twitter and blogger at the office? Twitter's #edchat happens during the work day on Tuesdays for a reason, no? Teachers are asked to reflect at the end of the week on their teaching, so couldn't that be done via Blogger? I believe that both are legitimate pursuits in my personal professional development and directly related to my job; however, those teachers for whom I want to model may not have the same access to time in their day as I do.

Should I try to pursue my professional development OUTSIDE my office hours in solidarity with classroom teachers' time reality? Are there others out there that brazenly schedule these valuable professional development moments in their calendar during the days of the work week? Is it okay to request a change in a meeting because it conflicts with your scheduled Twitter/ Blog time?

Looking forward to your thoughts,
Jessica :)

Photo Source: Intersection Consulting


Stephen said...

Hi Jessica,

Edna Sackson's tweet sent me here!

I feel much like you, though I'm an MYP Coordinator. We're given time as teacher-leaders to develop others - so we need to develop ourselves. I've learned more from Twitter over the last couple of years than from any other PD: from discussions that challenge my thinking to resources that can be used in class, shared with others or following conference/chat tweets.

If we only checked in after school, we'd miss half a word's worth of good people and their ideas. Ten minutes on Twitter could cover a hundred or more tweets from people coming on and off line in different time-zones. We can't possibly read every link in the school day, but by using 'favourites' or saving hashtags we can come back later. We can see what is happening in different schools and countries and we have real-time access to a great network of supportive educators, whose own situations may be more similar to ours than others in our own building. We can use it to share and get feedback on what is going on in our own classes and schools.

I hope this helps!


Unknown said...

Yes, I agree completely. We certainly do need to model and what better way than to be "caught" at work using Twitter and Blogging! I am happy to see that there is so much for support for these practices happening at school as I really can't fit it all in after work! :)

I agree, I have a million favorites in twitter and sites saved in my reader! Hopefully we'll both be able to get to them soon! :)

See you in the twittersphere! Thanks for visiting my blog!

Adam said...

Hey girl, I need to talk to you. My friend is in Chile and wants to visit your school. :)

Adam said...

Oops, this is 2footgiraffe :)

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